Burning Construction Debris is a Serious Health and Environmental Hazard.
Open burning of construction and demolition materials spews pollutants into the air that affect our health and our environment. These pollutants settle in our lakes, streams, soil and feed crops where they enter our food chain by lodging in animal fat and dairy products. So, if you are practicing open burning, which is burning any material outdoors without air pollution controls in place, you are affecting the health of a wide population. Smoke from wood and trash contains very small particles that, when inhaled, lodge deep inside the lungs. These small particles can cause severe health problems including cancer, reproductive disorders, skin diseases, heart disease, liver damage, respiratory and other problems. Children are particularly at risk.

Framers Were Told To BURN By Local Builder, So He Would Not Have To Pay For A Dumpster. REALLY NICE GOING.. This should help the Environment some right!
We at CHB Eco Custom Homes Do Not Recommend This Type of Building Practice.

Did you know open burning of building materials is usually illegal?
✔ Plastics
✔ PVC siding, flooring, piping
✔ Foam insulation
✔ Plastic wraps
✔ Green, CCA pressure-treated wood
✔ Glues in particleboard
✔ Petroleum products
✔ Asphalt shingles
✔ Asbestos containing materials (like old shingles)
✔ Solvents
I am positively blown away; I can not believe that a so called builder would go with a realtor and a client to a finished home built by someone else to see the finished details to copy them. This would not be the first time I have experienced this type of building technique in the Thomasville, Georgia area.